Pay attention to what you’re paying attention to!

An abundance of stars

Do you wake up in the morning and say, “Life sucks, and I’m going to have a crap day?” That increases your odds of having just that – a crap day.

Do you wake up and say, “Today is going to be a great day”? Then you’ve got a much better chance of it.

Why? Because where your attention goes, energy flows, and what you focus on grows.

Ever notice when you scratch a mosquito bite, it gets itchier? But when you ignore it and go on and do something else, it becomes less itchy?

That’s this principle in action!

Think about the things you pay attention to. Your relationships. Your activities. The food you eat. The media you consume. The voices in your head you listen to.

Is this what you want to grow? And if not, what would you prefer?

This concept is rooted in the power of our minds. When we pay attention to something – whether it’s a worry, a goal, or even a fleeting thought – the energy creates momentum behind it. That mosquito bite example? The more attention you give it, the stronger the sensation. But shift your focus elsewhere, and that bite becomes an afterthought.

Now, expand that same idea to your life. Where are you directing your energy? If you're paying more attention to the negative, you may unintentionally be amplifying the things you don’t want.

However, if you consciously focus on growth, positivity, and progress, you’ll naturally start to see more of it in your life. It’s like watering a garden, the areas you water and focus on will flourish, while those you neglect will wither and die.

In my own life, I have an abundance practice that helps me keep my focus on growth and possibility rather than scarcity. Every day, I listen to an abundance meditation or a podcast that helps me realign my thoughts. When I catch myself slipping into a mindset of lack – worrying about not having enough time, money, or opportunities – I think about how abundant the universe is and it re-centers me. It reminds me that there’s more than enough (even when it doesn’t feel like it), and that simple shift in mindset makes all the difference.

By paying attention to abundance, rather than scarcity, I find that more opportunities naturally come my way. It doesn’t mean challenges don’t exist, but it changes how I approach them. I see them as temporary, knowing that there's always room for more growth, more success, and more joy. And because I focus on that, it grows.

As the stoic Epictetus said, “You become what you give your attention to.” If you’re focusing on problems, they’ll grow in magnitude. But if you focus on solutions and possibilities, your life will open up in unexpected ways!

Take a moment to reflect. What do I want to grow? What deserves my attention today? Where do I want my energy to go?

I’d love to hear in the comments!


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