Create space to change your life
I wanted to set up a second workstation in my home office, when I realized I had no room! There was so much stuff!
Once I realized this, it started to feel almost claustrophobic, like an albatross around my neck suffocating me slowly. As a person who thinks of themselves as a minimalist, this was alarming!
At the same time in my life, I was in a group embodiment space where that month’s mantra was by Rumi - “What I seek is seeking me” and the movement was designed to make room and release that which no longer serves you personally to make room for what is coming.
Huh. What an opportunity!
Creating space in your life has so many benefits! You can remove things that are:
Clear your computer, inbox, or messages. Are you the type of person who has 3,261 unread messages? How much background anxiety does that cause!
At the same time, inbox zero sounds good, but is also challenging (ask me how I know, haha)
What strategy works best for you?
Got emotional clutter that you’re avoiding? Maybe it needs some love and quiet to be felt and paid attention to so you can move through it.
Loving on yourself and journaling stuck emotions does wonders.
Feeling through the emotions physically via walking, exercise or dance provides relief by moving them through your body.
All that physical stuff can create an anchor – like that albatross I mentioned earlier. Removing it creates a feeling of freedom.
Buy nothing groups, clothes swaps, buy/sell/trade groups, consignment and donation are all sustainable ways to remove physical objects.
Shred that paperwork and recycle those electronics.
Are you being true to yourself, how much of your spiritual clutter is from outside influences rather than your true beliefs?
Do an audit of what beliefs you are consuming through friends, family, work, school, society, social media, television, YouTube, the news, etc.
Time consuming
A full calendar doesn’t leave much room for spontaneity and creation. What can you release or delegate?
What do you want to do and is important to you that you haven’t gotten around to? Schedule it in your calendar.
Stuck in your head
Sitting with a pad of paper, a pen, and an intention to do a full brain dump can help you sleep better and move some of that stuck “stuff” our of your head.
Remove things that no longer serve you personally. It’s not just the “junk” that you’re removing. In many cases, the things you hang on to are also mentally loaded – things from the past, maybe things you hang onto because you’d feel guilty getting rid of them. Or things that can be psychically linked to times when things haven’t gone so well. Donating these things can help relieve that burden, knowing they can help someone else. Letting go of thoughts, helps to clear the path for change.
If you want change, create space. New, wonderful things can’t come into your life if you don’t have the space for it physically, mentally and spatially.
I love doing this at least once a year, if not more often. It makes me feel so much lighter afterwards! And every time, things I’ve seeked have come to me. Think of creating space and decluttering not just as a way to spring clean, but a way to manifest what you want into your life. The Universe loves when we make space and allow for it’s magic to come in.
What have you let go of recently?