Seven strategies to get through liminal times

You know those deep transitional periods in life when there is a ton of uncertainty? People call these liminal times, dark night of the soul, or even a tower moment (based off the tarot).

We all go through those liminal times - that in-between stage after a big life event and before getting your feet back under you. That uncomfortable time of trying to figure out "what next?" When things fall apart and life isn't fair.

During a time of life transition, being in the in-between liminal state represents a time of deep change in your life circumstances. Trying to be who we were before feels disingenuous, and awkward, and totally uncomfortable! Kinda sucky (the completely accurate medical term for the liminal state).

We are no longer the same. We are different. It’s also a heightened time of creativity - everything is possible!

Here are seven strategies to work your way through it:

Focus on what you can control

  • Sometimes, things fall apart

  • Locus of control: what is in your control vs what isn’t

  • Learn to let it go

Practice acceptance

  • Recognize that you are in a time of transition and accept that it is a normal part of life

  • Embrace the uncertainty

Shift your mindset

  • Use words that enhance, not detract, such as: excited, looking forward to, I’m curious about. All represent a space of possibility

  • Enjoy the journey, ride the wave

Find meaning and purpose

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  • Take time to be still and allow for intuition to come through – observe the urges and follow the ones that light you up

  • Allow spaciousness: this brings in new ideas and inspiration

  • What stress reducers work for you? Meditation, exercise, yoga, baths, listening to music, etc.

Take small steps forward

  • Create small achievable goals

  • Doing something every day helps create momentum

  • Self querying: ask yourself “why?” if you feel blocked by something, or “Is it true?” (see: The Work by Byron Katie)

Utilize support

If you feel alone going through this, I got you!

Reach out or click here to schedule a call with me to find out how we can work through it together.


Choose forgiveness


Create space to change your life