Overwhelmed? Procrastinating? Here’s how to make change happen

Image of a blurred woman holding a bracelet that says “do epic shit”

How often do you get ready to do something that excites you—something you know you need to do—only to get overwhelmed?

You start with all the best intentions, feeling that initial spark of motivation. But then your brain kicks in, flooding you with thoughts about everything that could go wrong, every step you don’t know how to take, and how you’re not ready yet.

So you wait.

You wait to get clear on every step before moving forward. You wait for the right time, the right feeling, the right opportunity. And then? You do nothing.

Why Change Feels Hard

Here’s a bold statement: everybody wants to change something in their life, but most people don’t.

What stops you from snapping your fingers and poof—making that change?

  • You don’t know where to start.

  • You don’t know how to start.

  • It feels hard, and what if it isn’t worth it?

  • You might fail because you don’t know how.

This is where we overcomplicate things. We treat it like an puzzle where every piece has to fit before we begin. But that’s not how change works.

Think about when you were a baby learning to walk. You had no idea how to do it. You stood up, wobbled, and bumped your head on the coffee table more than once. But after you finished crying you kept going because you were wired to figure it out - and your parents were encouraging you all the way!

Your parents didn’t hand you a step-by-step manual. They didn’t wait until you could understand the mechanics of walking before letting you try. You just did it—and through trial and error, you learned.

Change works the same way. Until you start trying, you won’t get experience. You might have an idea of what you want, but until you execute, you don’t really know what works.

The “how” appears after you make the decision to change and start taking action.

The Secret to Making Real Change: Commit First, Figure It Out Later

Let’s be real—overthinking is keeping you stuck.

The more you sit in your head analyzing all the possibilities, the less action you take. Overthinking creates paralysis, not clarity.

If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you might have perfectionist tendencies, and not knowing exactly what to do next gives you the hives.

Me too.

That thing you want to do—whether it’s building your business, finding your soulmate, learning Spanish, or getting in better shape—is right there waiting for you to go after it. But it requires one thing: a commitment.

The key to getting things done isn’t having a perfect plan. It’s making a commitment and putting a date on the calendar. And then sticking to it.

Better yet, make it so you can’t back out!

How I Do Stuff Without a Perfect Plan

I built my Meetup community this way. I had an idea but no detailed roadmap. Instead of waiting to have the perfect structure, I put a Save the Date on the calendar, had people RSVP, and figured it out as I went.

Sure, there were times when nobody showed up. But I kept showing up.

And now? Almost every event has a waitlist.

I started my business the same way. I didn’t wait until I had a flawless strategy. I set a deadline and launched. I put myself out there. I adapted as I went.

The truth? I do my best work this way—by committing first, then taking action. It forces me to step up. And it works.

Even leaving my corporate job happened this way. I reached a point where I knew it was time to go. Did I have everything figured out? Absolutely not. But I made the decision first and then got into action and am continually working out the next steps because I’m not done yet.

Was it stressful? Hell yes. Still is. But it was the only way to get me far enough out of my comfort zone to do the work I knew in my heart and soul I was meant to do.

Put a date on the calendar before you’re ready—then figure it out.

Make things happen.

You don’t know what’s going to work until you try. Show up, adjust, and keep going.

How to Start Creating Change Today

Change isn’t something you wait for—it’s something you create.

Whether it’s in your organization or your personal life, change is a constant. Your job is to take steps toward change instead of running away from fear.

3 Steps to Start Right Now:

  1. Pick one area where you feel stuck and make a commitment today.

    • Want to start a business? Announce it publicly.

    • Want to get healthier? Sign up for a class.

    • Want to meet new people? Join a group. Or create one!

  2. Stop waiting for clarity—choose a date or first step that forces action.

    • Baby steps count. Nobody runs a marathon without first lacing up their shoes.

    • Start small, but start now.

  3. Embrace the uncertainty—you’ll figure it out as you go.

    • You don’t need to know the entire path—just take the next step.

    • Your work is showing up, pushing through resistance, and trusting that the path will unfold ahead of you.

A Personal Challenge for You

Think of one thing you’ve been putting off because you’re waiting for the perfect time or plan.

Now—make a commitment to it.

Pick a date, take an action step, or tell someone about it to hold yourself accountable - if you don’t have anyone to share it with, you can email me (joan@intuitivenorth.com)

I promise you this: the more you step into action, the clearer everything will become.

And if you need a little help along the way, I’ve got you.

What’s the first step you’re going to take today? Drop it in the comments or send me a message—I’d love to hear!


Change can be scary. Can it also be your best friend?